I think we have a serious need for iPad intervention in our house. During the week, the girls get little to no TV and very little iPhone/iPad use. The weekends can be a different story. If Steve and I are trying to get the house picked up, trying to get dinner on the table, we sometimes need a little help.
This past weekend, I had the girls Saturday morning by myself. Steve was in Vegas. I had to get them fed, dressed and out the door by 8:30am to get to Abby's dance class by 9. At one point, Emily looked at me and said 'I want pipad'. That's her way of saying iPad.
I knew she would keep herself out of harm's way (i.e. climbing and falling off of things) with the iPad. When I asked her to go sit on the couch and told her that I would bring her the iPad, she did the cutest little dance, with the biggest squeal of excitement. She was twirling in circles, yelling 'pipad pipad' with a big grin on her face..
Uh oh. We need a toddler 'pipad' intervention. Some weening of the device, breaking the dependency. Wish us luck!
you-have-no-idea what an issue this is at our house!