Abby and I would hold hands while walking to her class. This happened through 2nd and I was expecting to do this with Emily as well.
Today, I dropped them off at school and waited to walk Emily to her classroom. Abby is a 3rd grader now and walking to class isn't allowed for me. She's 8, I get it. I still get a hug and a kiss so I'm happy with that.
Emily is in Kindergarten and I was looking forward to holding her hand and walking her to class. The rest of the week she starts school later (9:35am, since the Kindergarteners has staggered starts). On Wednesdays she lines up with everyone else.
This is how it went down today. I'm still recovering.
The kids line up on the playground and parents aren't allowed to be out there with them. Abby walked Emily to her line to make sure she found it okay.
Emily's teacher walks the students to the classroom and passes by where I stand. I saw Emily, smiled and reached out my hand. She looked at me above her glasses, slightly embarrassed. I asked her if I could walk her to class. She shook her head no. WHAT??? I asked again, still no. I asked her again, asking her if she was really super duper sure. Still NO!
Her teacher high-fived her for being such a big girl. I was proud for her, but sad for me. I love the feel of her little hand in mine and sending her on her day at the door of her classroom.
I'm going to go mourn the loss of this experience and celebrate her independence.

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