Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Bumper Crops

This year is turning out to be the year of the bumper crop in our back yard.  Every year I plant a garden and I sometimes forget to water it and then it all dies.  Not very rewarding or satisfying.  We also have 3 dwarf citrus trees in our backyard that we hardly tend to and they produce very little fruit.

This year is going to be different.  We've been watering these darn things regularly and it looks like it's going to be a very prosperous year!

Our garden box, complete with a very happy zucchini plant, italian parsley, two types of heirloom tomatoes, thyme, and two kinds of bell peppers.  Everything is so happy!

Our Meyer lemon tree.  It's typically the happiest (all relative) of all our plants in prior years, only because it gets watered with our automatic sprinklers and never relies on our lazy selves to tend to it.

Limes, yeah!  We planted this tree 5+ years ago in the hopes we'd have limes for the occasional beer.  This is the first year we will have a decent amount of fruit.  Over 50 little limes on this tree, pure bliss!  I counted every single one of them.

And this gem, makes my heart flutter!  This is a blood orange tree we bought 5+ years ago.  Our goal was to make blood orange margaritas with the fruit from this little tree.  Last summer I gave up on the darn thing.  It had these little spikes all over it (very few leaves) so I hacked the thing back.  And I mean hacked.  I cut it back and asked Steve to dispose of it because it was a hazard.  Well, good thing he never deposed of it.  We are going to have these little beauties coming out of our ears this year.

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