We then stopped by Miette for the yummiest macarons, fleur de sel caramels and chocolate wafers one could wish for. My chocolate wafers are half gone already. I wonder how many macarons my friend has left?
We then walked from the Ferry Building to Pier 39 to show Abby the sea lions. It was so much fun to see her eyes widen as we walked up to them. She's a tentative child so I assured her they could not get to her. We watched for quite some time, walked back to our cars and headed home.
Abby with Liz
Later in the day we took Abby and Emily to the local school for bike rides. Lots of fun was had by all...
Abby pushing Emily on her tricycle
Right before bed time I asked Abby was her favorite part of the day was. Without pause she said 'Seeing Wiz". Liz is my best friend and Abby's God Mother. You know what Abby, that was the best part of my day too!
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