Friday, January 28, 2011

The Week in Review

It's not technically the end of the week, but it's the end of the work week and that's good enough for me.

We started the week with childcare issues on Monday and two kids with pneumonia. Enough said about Monday.

Tuesday went smoothly, then ended with a last minute trip to the pediatrician for wheezing caused by previously mentioned pneumonia. Our pediatrician has extended hours during the week and it's come in handy on several occasions.

By Wednesday, everybody was back on the mend, back in preschool and all four of us were getting our sense of humor back. There was a span of time after the kids were fed dinner and before baths, where the four of us were in the living room, playing, laughing and just having a great time. Why can't it be like this every day?

Thursday was great. DH forgot I was getting the kids after work, so we both arrived at the same time. We took the opportunity to squeeze in a family walk, where family is defined as DH, preschooler and toddler in the jogging stroller, mom and dog. It was such a treat. I miss the days when we would do this every evening after work.

Friday was a day to tie up lose ends on work projects. I worked from home today and was able to see my kids for a few brief moments throughout the day. I work in what some would call an artist studio that is a detached, four walled building in our back yard. It has electricity, finished walls and floors, a space heater and a window AC unit. Everything I need. It could use some sprucing up, but it serves it's purpose well.

My Home Office:

It's going to be a busy weekend, but I am looking forward to it! We have a trial ballet class, two trips to the gym, a visit with Uncle M and a bike ride already on the calendar.

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!

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