Friday, January 14, 2011

Preschool Decisions are Tough

Something as simple as deciding whether to move Abby to the next preschool class ahead of the rest of her current class has been occupying all the free time in my mind.

Abby and I visited the pre-k class this morning. I was really trying to be open minded, trying not to pass judgment until the end of the hour. Yep, that's all they give you, an hour to decide..

About 20 minutes into the visit, I decided that Abby was too young, too small, and wouldn't be able to stand up for herself against the bigger kids in the Class. I was afraid she was going to get lost in the shuffle.

The kids sat down for story time. Abby sat next to a little girl she's met a few times. This boy, that relative to Abby's size, looked to be about 20 years old sat next to her. Granted, he likely wasn't older than 4 1/2, but he was big, wiggly, and just wasn't paying attention to the teachers. This little boy started blowing on Abby's face. I watched to see what she would do. She scrunched up her face, looked him right in the eye and told him "that is not nice, stop doing it".

Our hour was up, we were getting ready to leave and she wanted to stay. I told her our appointment was over and she cried.

I think Abby will do just fine in this new class.

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