Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I Couldn't Have Said it Better Myself!!!

Over at the Work It Mom blog, I came across a post that could not have been more perfect for today!

The How to Take a Break and Recharge When You Can't Take the Week Off post applies to me in so many ways.  I am getting on a plane in less than 8 hours to return home from a 10 day business trip.

The post talks about recharging without really getting away.  I'm going to have some pretty significant jet lag to deal with, while also catching up on work, spending some much needed time with my kids and allowing my husband to recharge as well.  I'm not sure if it's easier being the one to leave, or the one that stays behind and tends to the kids.

Recommendations made for Taking a Break include sleep, a half day of work, a treat for yourself, etc..

These are great recommendations for working moms and can also be applied to anyone who has been on a trip, has completed a really big project, who is completely strapped with home/child responsibilities, etc..

A post with all my purchases coming soon!  The shopping in India is fabulous with a capital 'F'...

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