Friday, February 11, 2011

A Bit of Sunshine

We have had fabulous weather lately.  Our trees are in bloom, we've taken the kids to the pool twice in the past month and we hit temperatures in the mid 70's a couple days.  It has to be too good to be true, and it is.  Our nice weather is coming to an end next week (the local 10 day forecast), but this weekend is going to be fabulous.

I know it's all relative as most of the country is at below normal temps and way above average snow fall levels.  I grew up in Northern California, had a brief 2 year stint in Chicago and then moved back.  The housing prices are crazy, the freeway congestion is at times more than I can handle, but this weather, this weather is amazing. 

I wish everyone a little ray of sunshine today, whether is comes from the actual sun shining down on you, a hug from your child, a kind gesture from a stranger or a memory from today that you will cherish for days and weeks to come.

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